Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Digging into Chapter 3 - Passage the second

In the passage, states how there was a bar with real brass rails that held up a wide array of liquors. What this is impliing is the fact that something illegal such as alcohol is being showcased towards all the guests, almost as if there was nothing wrong with it. However, this fact was so widely accepted by everyone that they don't give it a second thought. This shows the attitude these wealthly people have towards things such as good morals or the law. They feel that they are above such things because of their wealth. The second part of the passage states the female guests were too young to know one from another. What this states is the fact that women do not drink the liquor for the sophistication of it, but merely because the richer, older men were drinking it. In some way they were conforming to the wills of these older men, in order to obtain some of their wealth.

1 comment:

  1. I also believe that the way the alcohol was displayed not only shows disregard for the laws, but it also clearly challenges the law. And it also reveals,once again, that most of these people are used to the alcohol, breaking the law and do not find anything wrong with it. Then the second part does again emphasize the girls in contrast with the old men, and how they seem to be there to associate with these wealthy men.
